If you are experiencing financial hardship and would like to take a painting class, or an Artist's Way class at a discounted rate, we may have scholarship funds to assist you.
1. Check our calendar and decide on which class you'd like to take.* 2. Come back to this page, and click here to apply. (This is on the honor system - no financial proof required.)
If the funds are available, you'll get an email with instructions on how to pay the balance and/or join the class. If the funds are not available, we'll notify you, and put you on a wait list.
In order to join a class, you will needart supplies and a computer or smart phone or tablet. There is a suggested supplies list on the registration page of each class. Generally speaking you'll need acrylic paints, brushes, and something to paint on. However, feel free to join even if you have markers, colored pencils, crayons... it's great to just CREATE!
*Classes up to $35 are funded up to 100% based on your financial need. Classes $36 and over are funded up to 50% based on your financial need.