Private Painting Parties
Schedule Your Own Private Painting Party for Family, Friends, or Coworkers!
Private Party OptionsGuided Painting Party
This is a "follow me" type of guided painting class. Choose a painting and Tabetha will demonstrate the steps and help everyone paint their own version of the painting. All supplies are included. 2-hour class $210 per group, up to six people. $30 for each person in addition to the six minimum. (If you add ten more people, it will be an additional $300, or $510 total.) Freestyle Studio Session Perfect for groups who have a bit of painting experience (even 1 or 2 of the "wine and paint" classes), or want to experiment on their own. Each person works on whatever they want to work on. Tabetha helps on an individual basis when needed. 2-hour session $250 per group, up to 10 people. $20 for each additional person |
How to Book a Private Party
Send us an email and let us know:
*Choose from the paintings on this page. A non-refundable deposit of 50% reserves your spot, with the balance due one week prior to the event.
TreesFlowers, Plants and InsectsMountains
Seasonal and Holiday
CityscapesWater: Oceans, Rivers, Lakes, Ponds
Abstract and Miscellaneous
AnimalsPhenomenal Woman Series